Library Rules
Rules & Regulation – 2015 of the Library
1. Preamble
2. Scope
3. Rules
3.1 Working Hours
3.2 General
3.3 Lending/Borrowing
3.4 Loan Entitlement & Loan Periods
3.5 Renewals
3.6 Reservation
3.7 Late Returns
3.8 Loss and damage of Library Resources
3.9 Inter Library Loan (ILL)
3.10 Copying and Downloading
3.11 Access
3.12 Membership
3.13 Library Notices
3.14 Glossary
1. Preamble
Services of the Library are provided primarily to students, faculty, staff, and officebearers of the Gujarat Ayurved University, and are extended to member of public who satisfy certainterms and conditions. The library collections areproperty of Gujarat Ayurved University and as such are subject to special protection. These rules aredesigned to ensure that all members may obtain the maximum benefits from libraryfacilities. All members should exercise self-discipline, respect and consideration forothers when using the Library. By the act of using any facility of the Library, a useragrees to abide by these rules of the Library.
2. Scope
These rules and regulations govern the use of the documents or any other property of Central Library. These rules supersede all existing rules & regulations of the Library.
3. Rules
3.1 Working Hours
The Library System remains open as follows:
Week days Open time
Monday to Saturday 8.00 AM to 9.00 PM
Sunday and Government holidays 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM
1. The Library remains closed every year on 26thJanuary and 15thAugust
2. Recess: 1.30PM to 2.00 PM
3.2 General Rules
3.2.1 By the act of using any facility of the Library, a user agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Library

3.2.2 Library will issue Library card on production of admission letter along with library caution money deposit receipt in any of the in campus institute of the Universityand for the employees, the application for membership must be forwarded through the concerned head of the institute/college.

3.2.3    Members will not be allowed to use the library in absence of the membership card. Members are required to carry their library card at all times and must show them at the request of the Library Staff.

3.2.4 Library membership card is not transferable.

3.2.5 Silence must be observed in the Library. Sleeping is prohibited in the library.

3.2.6 It is not permitted to work in-group and study verbally in the whole Library.It is permitted in a particular allowedpart (discussion chamber) of library without much disturbing to other users.

3.2.7 Use of chewing, betel (pan) of any tobacco product including smoking, spitting, eating food, sleeping or any behavior calculated disturb other is prohibited in the library. Mobile phones and other electronic devices likely to cause disturbance shall always bein silent mode.

3.2.8 Portable computers (laptops etc.) may be used after taking necessary permissions from theLibrary Authority.

3.2.9 Library telephones are for exclusive use of the Library Staff.

3.2.10 Alltypes of games/competitions are prohibited in the library.

3.2.11 No person may misplace, misfile, misuse, damage or attempt to damage anylibrary resources. The members shall be responsible for any damage done tothe documents or any other property belonging to the Library, and shall berequired to replace such library resources/property damaged or to pay thevalue thereof.

3.2.12 Dog and other petanimals should not be taken in by any member or visitors.

3.2.13 Members are responsible for keeping the Library informed at all times of theircurrent term-time, telephone number, email and present communication addresses.If a user does not fulfil her/his obligation to report changes and the Libraryhas to find out data itself, the user will be required to pay any costs incurredby the Library.

3.2.14 Except with the approval of the Authority, no broadsheets, handbills,newspapers, or other materials, notices of the Library or the Institute, may bedisplayed or distributed within the Library.

3.2.15 No security deposit shall be repaid until all books and dues outstandingagainst the member and Library Card have been duly returned.

3.2.16 The Authority preserves the right to forfeit the security deposit torecover any “due”.

3.2.17 No documents on display in "NEW ARRIVALS" will be issued before 30 daysfrom the date of display. However, they may be consulted within the Library.

3.2.18 All members associated with campus Institute should obtain Clearance Certificate/no due certificate from the Library by submitting membership card and all dues before they leave the Institute/college, otherwise theirmark sheets/ certificate/ stipends/fellowships, and/or other dues etc. may bewithheld. It will be the responsibility of the Head of the institute to get no dues from library before reliving any employee or student. The heads of university departments/Dean/Principal/Director of University College shall require the students of their department/college to produce a clearance certificate from the library to the effect that they have returned all books and cleared all dues, before they are allowed to leave institute. Head of the institute/department shall see that the research scholar who have completed research project work produce a no dues certificate before leaving institute.

3.2.19 All personal belongings except purses and notebooks should be deposited atthe deposit vault / locker. These should be taken back at the time of leaving theLibrary. The library cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items.

3.2.20 Blank CD/External Hard disc / pen drive etc. can be taken inside after showing at the Checkpoint.

3.2.21 All users are requested to show their belongings at the Checkpoint beforeleaving the Library.

3.2.22 As you exit the main entrance, you will pass through the security gate. If thealarm sounds, return to the Circulation Desk for assistance. The security gatewill not harm computer disks or other electronic media.

3.2.23 Member cannot bring personal books/photocopies etc inside the restricted area of Library forconsultation.

3.2.24 Whenever a fire alarm sounds in the Library all users must vacate the Libraryimmediately.

3.2.25 All library resources must be borrowed before leaving the Library. Unborroweditems taken beyond the Electronic Gate are considered stolen.Offenders are liable for suspension and stern disciplinary action.

3.2.26 Photography, filming, videotaping and audio taping are not allowed withoutthe permission of the Authority.

3.2.27 The Authority has the discretion to suspend library membership,including access to the Internet, to borrowers who fail to return items or fail topay charges after due notification, cause repeated disturbance or otherwisefail to comply with these rules and regulations.

3.2.28 All documents are issued till the date stamped on the date label and/or officialreceipt of issue. If there is any discrepancy between date label and the Issue receipt, it is the borrower’s responsibility to inform the Library Staff at the circulation desk about it.

3.2.29 Library resources taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by theusers.

3.2.30 Library Committee will decide the procurement of all types of informationresources by examining recommendations of the internal and externalmembers.

3.2.31 The Circulation Service remains suspended during recess(1.30 PM-2.00 PM.).
3.3 Lending/Borrowing
3.3.1 The Library Authority has discretion to restrict certain categories of materialheld by the Library from being borrowed, such as standard referencedocuments, theses, manuscripts, items of special value or rarity, journals, specialcollections, data documents and damaged documents etc.

3.3.2 All books are issued till the date stamped on the date label or official receiptof issue. If no next day is given, books are due by the closing time on thesame day before leaving the library.

3.3.3 It is essential to submit RFID/ Library Card during checkout and check-intransactions of library items.

3.3.4 Books borrowed by one member must not be passed on to another but mustin all cases be returned to the Library.

3.3.5 A borrower should not borrow documents in other’s name.

3.3.6 The borrower will be held responsible for all materials until they have beenreturned in good condition.

3.3.7 The Library may recall a book on loan at any time, and the book must then bereturned to the Library on or before the closing time on the date given in therecall notice/message.

3.3.8 Members should inform the Library as soon as possible of any circumstances(such as illness or hardship), which might affect their use of the Library andtheir ability to comply with the Rules and Regulations. The Library Authorityhas discretion to grant special privileges on compassionate grounds.

3.3.9 Member must report any mutilation found in books before borrowing,otherwise the last borrower is liable to pay for damages when the books arereturned and/or the Library Authority finds the mutilation.

3.3.10 Members who fail to respond to reminder for overdue documents and/or fail toreturn the documents within 60 days from the date of borrowing, will be billedthe replacement cost including the administrative charge.

3.3.11 If a member does not pay off the Library dues, or returns overdue documents,the privilege of borrowing library resources and /or access to other libraryservices may be suspended till he/she deposits the requisite amount.
3.4 Loan Periods and Loan Entitlement
3.4.1 Loan Period
The length of time you may check out library resources varies and depends upontypes of documents.
Category Maximum period in days to issue Fine per Day
  Books Thesis CD / e-materials  
Students and Research scholars 14 Not to be issued Not to be issued Rs5.00
Non-teaching staff of university 14 Rs10.00
Teaching staff of university 14 14 14 Rs10.00
Officers of university 14 14 14 Rs. 10.00
Departmental library 365 0  Not to be issued  
1. All books issued must be returned to the library before vacation.
2. If the last date of return of books(14th day) falls on holiday then then it should be returned on the very next working day.
3. Manuscript isnot tobe issued.
4. Journals will be issued for overnight only.
3.4.2 Loan Entitlement
Category Types of documents
Books/ Journal Thesis CD etc e-materials
UG students of all courses running in GAU campus 2 0 0
PG/PhD scholarsof all courses running in GAU campus / SRF /JRF working under different projects, 2 0 0
Teaching staff of all courses running in GAU campus 5 2 2
Authorities (Officers) of university 5 1 2
Non-teaching staff of all courses running  in GAU campus 1 0 0
Departmental library As required  with justification (Maximum 100) 0 0
1. Authority has full rights to declare any library resources as non-issuable. 
2. Library resources in demand may be issued only for such limited periods, asthe Authority deems desirable.
3. Loan periods may be adapted to take account of vacation/examinationrequirements and in exceptional circumstances extended loan periods maybe negotiated.
4. Teaching staff of university whether temporary or permanent, mentioned above, are allowed to borrow books from the library. 
5. Loan privileges of a member will be terminated at least one week prior to expireof the term of the membership and/or date of leaving the Institute.
3.5 Renewals
3.5.1 Borrowed documents can be renewed for a maximum of two times only.

3.5.2 Users have to renew their checkout library resources before the last day ofthe loan period.

3.5.3 Already overdue item will not be renewed.

3.5.4 Already reserved item cannot be renewed.
3.6 Reservation
3.6.1 Members may place a hold on materials that have already been checked out.When the material becomes available, the member will be sent a notice either by email or sms.

3.6.2 If the reserved library resource is not taken within 5 days, it is given toanother member in queue or is put back on its shelf.

3.6.3 A member cannot reserve more than two library resources.

3.6.4 A member may not request a second hold on the same library resource.
3.7 Late Returns
3.7.1 Overdue notices may be sent as a courtesythrough email or sms. However, it is the responsibility of the entire member to return libraryresources on time and pay the overdue fines whether or not he/she hasreceived notice.

3.7.2 If a borrower does not return the document borrowed within 60 days, the GAUwill proceed to enforcing the return of the document through local policeand/or lawyer. In such cases, the costs including court costs will be recoveredfrom the user.

3.7.3 Library resources that are not returned even after notices and/or within 60days from the date of 1st borrowing of the library resources are deemed aslost (See Lost and Damaged Library Resources next), and an invoice noticeis sent which includes replacement charge, the fine and a non-refundableprocessing fee. Borrower should pay the amount within 7 days or the legalactions may be initiated.

3.7.4 A member may have his/her borrowing privileges restricted if excessiveoverdue or fines accrue.
3.8 Lost and Damaged Library Resources
3.8.1 Unauthorized removal of materials, be it a single page or several items, willbe treated as a serious offense, and criminal charges may be filed when thevalues of the material or other circumstances warrant.

3.8.2 Members are responsible for returning materials in good condition and will beassessed for cost of the damaged materials. The amount of the cost will beset by the Library Authority and treated as an unpaid fine if not paid when thelibrary resources are returned.

3.8.3 If a member loses or damages library resources, he/she should report the loss in writing to the Librarian (Circulation & Stack Maintenance),otherwise the borrower pays the accrued fine from the date the documentsare due for return.

3.8.4 Member is obliged to pay Rs 100.00 as processing fee for each lost/damageditem in addition to cost of the documents.

3.8.5 Replacement Processes The borrower may replace lost library document with the same edition ofthe document or by a later edition. The cost of out-of-print document will be: Five (5) times the cost of the lost document at the current exchangerate in case of foreign document. Ten (10) times the cost of the lost document in INR in case of Indianbook. A corresponding cost for repair of damaged books, if repairable.Otherwise, borrower is obliged to pay the cost of the document ascalculated above. The replacement cost of a CD/DVD, videotape or other library resourceswill be based on the replacement cost of CD/DVD etc. If a book/loose journal of a set is damaged/lost or misused, the entire sethas to be replaced and Rs 100.00 should be paid as processing fee. If an accompanying material is lost or damaged, the original libraryresource or entire set has to be replaced.

3.8.6 If the item’s original price is in foreign currency, compensation will becalculated based on present exchange rate and postal charges.

3.8.7 If the lost item is without any price, users will be charged replacement cost.

3.8.8 If a rare document is damaged/misused or lost, the compensation will bedetermined separately.

3.9 Inter Library Loan (ILL)
3.10 Copying and Downloading of Works
Copying, recording or downloading from materials or services supplied by the CentralLibrary must comply with the terms of current copyright law and with any Licensesgoverning the use of such materials and services. Such copies, recordings ordownloaded files must not be made unless any appropriate Library forms oragreements have been completed and signed by the member. The Library Authorityhas the right to refuse or withdraw copying/downloading privileges and to suspendaccess to any services where the library staff has reason to believe that a breach ofcopyright or license conditions has taken place or is likely to take place. The copyinglimit at present is:

3.9.1 Not more than 10% of the work, or

3.9.2 If the work is divided into chapters, more than 10% of the work but notexceeding one chapter,

3.9.3 Where a work is contained in a published edition stored on any medium byelectronic means and is not divided into pages, a reasonable portion of itwould not exceed 10% of the total number of bytes in that edition, or ifchaptered, one chapter.

3.9.4 Three complete article from an issue of a periodical publications.

3.9.5 All audio-visual materials/CD/DVD borrowed are strictly for private viewing orfor instructional purpose. Duplication, circulation, editing and rental areprohibited.

3.9.6 For photocopying charges, please consult the rate charts at the concernedUnit.

3.9.7 Electronic documents can only be downloaded once; you are not allowed tomake further electronic copies.

3.9.8 You are only allowed to make a single paper copy from the electronic copy.

3.9.9 For current printing charges, please contact Reprography-PhotographyUnit of the Library.
3.11 Access
3.10.1 Stack Areas and Associated Libraries Internal Members (Fulltime Staff, Students, and Research Scholars andothers) can visit any sections of the Library Stacks. External Student cannot visit stack areas. They have to submit therequisitionfor library resources at the concerned Circulation Desk. Other Members of the Public need prior permission of the LibraryAuthority to visit the Stack.
3.10.2 E-Resources
The Library System provides electronic information services. The Library System hassubscribed for various CD-ROM and online databases providing bibliographicinformation as well as full-text journals and e-books. The use of each online serviceis governed by copyright law and by the terms of the license agreement between IPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved University and the publisher. Permitted Uses Searching the content of the online service, including searching, viewingand browsing tables of content, full-text of articles, bibliographicinformation and data. Downloading, saving and printing limited data or articles for personal,academic use only. Prohibited Uses/Actions Downloading entire collections of data or entire issues of a journal orconference is a violation of copyright law and a violation of GAU’slicenses with publishers. Any commercial use Any systematic or substantial reproduction of the information providedin the database or electronic journal or creation of derivative works. Any alteration, modification, or repackaging of the informationcontents in the database or electronic journal, including creating asearchable archive. Any distribution of the information contents of the online service, ormaterial downloaded from the online service, in any form. Attempting to impersonate any person by using forged headers orother identifying information. Removing, modifying, or obscuring copyright notices or other noticesand disclaimers. Facilitating use or access by non-authorized users, including sharingyour password or other login information with anyone. Enforcement Unauthorized use of or access to these online services violate theUsage Policy of the Institute and can result in individuals losingaccess to these online. Continued or repeated misuse of an onlineservice can result in the loss of access for the entire library services.

3.10.3 PC & the Internet

PC should be usedexclusively to access Web-PAC of the Library, subscribed/purchased e-resources.Because these computers are shared resources, members may be asked to limittime spent on these computers. Members must not abuse their privileges when usingthese facilities. Disciplinary action will be taken against those breaking the rules.
Please note, in particular, that the following are not allowed: Accessing of undesirable Internet sites and downloading, printing andcirculating of undesirable materials. Unauthorized use of passwords. Computer accounts and passwords mustbe kept strictly confidential. Installing and running computer software, which is not owned by the Library? Changing the PC system setup. Duplicating any software or audio-visual programme. This infringescopyright regulations and offenders will be liable for legal action. E-mailing, chatting, and general searching the Internet. Creation, display, importation, circulation or storage of offensive material
3.12 Membership
3.11.1 Admittance

All you need to do is to take proof of your identity, and current residential address to the Librarian. Proof of identity can beany current official document that gives your name, profession, Course Name &Academic Session (if applicable) and address of the Institute, and Proof of currentresidential address may be Voter Id Card, current electricity bill, driver’s license,recent bank statement, pension book etc.

3.11.2 Loss of Library Cards The use made of the membership card and of any passwords issued bythe Library will be the responsibility of the member to whom they areissued. If the approved library membership card is lost, or stolen, themember will be held responsible until the loss has been reported in writingto the Library Authority. In case of replacement of Library Card, the user is obliged to pay Rs50.00. In the case of repeated loss of Library Card, the Library Authority may reject the user access to the services of the Library.

3.11.2 Categories
To join Central Library you will need to apply for one of the membership categories: Membership: Students, scholars, teaching Staff,non-teaching staff, authorities of university, Research AssociatesResearch Scholars, Project Linked Staff, andCouncil Members of the university are automatically eligible for membership of the central Library. However, they have to apply for the membershipand pay refundable security deposit. Fulltime staffs of theInstitute are exempted from payment of security deposit. External Membership (Public Access Membership): No external members are allowed for membership. However if there are public demand (for ex staff students etc.) authority may consider in this regard case to case basis.

3.11.3 Annual Library Membership Fee & Required interest free refundable Security Deposit
Category Library membership fee (Rs.) Security deposit(Rs.)
UG students of all courses running  in GAU campus 500 1000/-
PG/PhD scholars of all courses running  in GAU campus 1000 5000/-
Teaching staff of all courses running  in GAU campus Nil Nil
Authorities (Officers) of university Nil Nil
Non teaching staff of all courses running  in GAU campus 500 Nil
External Membership (Public Access Membership) 500 (Annual) 1000
Departmental library of departments of all college in GAU campus Nil Nil

1. Members of the publicmay apply for Open Learning Membership onpayment of Annual Library Membership Fee to consult/access informationresources inside the Library.

2. Members of the public (External Membership:ex staff/students ) may apply for borrowingfacilities restricted to the Central Library's own stock and on payments ofthe Annual Library Membership Fee and requisite refundable securitydeposits.

3. For the purpose of Library Membership fee, the relevant year is July to June or the admission year of the student as fixed by the university.

5. Principal/Director may reduce the security deposit in case of economically weakerfulltime student of the Institute.

6. The Library Authority, whose decision is final, takes the decision regardingacceptance of membership.

7. A person eligible for membership in two or more of the categories specified above will be permitted only in one category of his/her choice.

8. The Library Authority has the right to add/delete/merged Categoriesdepending on the operational needs of the Library.
3.12.5 Termination of Membership
Library Membership shall be terminated for any of the following reasons: If the subscription becomes overdue. The Central Library will not serveany notice regarding expire of the membership. Member requested in writing for termination of membership and hasreturned all borrowed items, Library Membership Card and Receipt of theSecurity Deposit. If the member becomes of unsound mind or insolvent or convicted of acriminal offence. The Library Authority in consultation with the Vice Chancellor of university shallhave the power to terminate the membership of any individual orinstitution without assigning any cause.
3.13 Library Notices
3.13.1 All general notices about Central Library and Library Resources will beavailable on the University /Library website.

3.13.2 Electronic mail is the default means of communication between the Libraryand members.

3.13.3 Members may request notices to be sent by post or circular. However, the Library isunable to accept responsibility if a member does not receive a particularnotice by a certain time or at all.
3.14 Glossary
3.14.1 Borrowed Item means any Library Resource that can be borrowed from theLibrary;

3.14.2 Borrower means any User who borrows anything from the Library;

3.14.3 Document means any items that can be read/used/consulted.

3.14.4 Student means a person who is registered as a student in a courseconducted in GAU campus by the university.

3.14.5 Item means any Library Resource that can be consulted.

3.14.6 Library means Central Library

3.14.7 Library Authority means library committee approved by syndicate. Where appropriate, any person acting in that positionor any Library Staff acting as a delegate of the Library Authority.

3.14.8 Library Resource means anything or any facility or service (including any onlineor networked resource) available, in/from/through a Library to some or allUsers;

3.14.9 Library Staff means staff of the Central Library.

3.14.10 Staff means any fulltime temporary or permanent worker of the Institute of GAU.

3.14.11 User means any person (including Borrowers) who uses the Library

Library of Gujarat Ayurved University is rich in Collections of books and many other valuable literatures related to Ayurveda and allied sciences.

Library of Gujarat Ayurved University is rich in Collections of books and many other valuable literatures related to Ayurveda and allied sciences.

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